
ចូលរួមជាមួយ IT-Club



    Email and mailbox naming

    Mailbox name

    I hope you remember your mailbox name. But what about someone you give it to? What impression do they have of you such as an employer, a university?

    <name>Full date-of-birth is wrong – see IT-Club video Staying Safe online.

    <name>Day/month – not great, but ok – but it is not easy for someone to remember.

    You need an easy to remember mailbox name and set the alias to a name that you are known by.

    Mailbox name must be unique, alias does not have to be unique.

    Examples of Bad, ok, Good


    chansophea22042001 – discloses your full date of birth

    sophea222222 – difficult to remember 6 2’s

    809577436bbb – who will remember this?

    sophea123456chan – too complex, use a long password to be secure

    seek2kill – what would an employer think of you?


    chansophea2204 – partial date of birth, but not easy for someone to remember

    chansophea22 – easy to remember

    sophea123 – is ok if the alias is set to Chan Sophea or Sophea Chan




    Sopheachan100 – easy to remember by another person

    Do you have a question?

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    ប្រសិនបើ អ្នកមានសំណួរកុំខ្លាចក្នុងការសួរ – សូមផ្ញើអ៊ីមែលមកខ្ញុំ (admin@itclub-cambodia.com) ឬសារតាម Facebook។

    For more about email, see the section under courses. 
