Girls in IT

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Girls in IT

Is IT a good career for girls?

Hi, I am Mr Ken

I have been a Chief Technical Officer at a software company. We sold our software worldwide to 1000’s of companies

I had teams of programmers, software testers, technical support, trainers and technical staff who maintained our computers, networks and security.

Did I employ many girls?

Yes  🙂

  • About half of my staff were girls.
  • My technical support manager was a girl.
  • My top trainer was a girl.
  • More than half of the software testers were girls.
  • Some had a degree, other had IT training after leaving school.

Why did I employ girls?

  • Because they had the right skills for the job – we recruited the best people regardless of girl or boy.
  • Because they added diversity to the team. In a team you need as much variety as possible to achieve the best results.

Would I recommend an IT career for girls?

  • Absolutely.
  • There is always something new and interesting to learn.
  • It is well paid.
  • It is a good career for girls and boys.

Any questions?

  • If you (girls or boys) have questions, please email me and ask.
  • Write in Khmer or English – I can use Google Translate J